
500 Words to Spanish

all = todos
another = otro, otra
any = cualquier
anyone = cualquiera
anything = cualquier cosa
both = ambos
each = cada
either = ya sea
everyone = todas
everything = todo
few = pocos
he = él, el varón
her = ella, la, su
hers = su, suya
him = él
it = lo, la
many = muchos/as
me = me, mí, yo
mine = mío
nothing = nada
one = uno
other = otro/a
ours = nuestros/as
same = mismo
she = ella
some = algunos/as
someone = alguien
something = algo
such = tal
that = eso
theirs = de ellos
them = ellos/as, los, las
there = allí
they = son, ellos/as
this = este, esto, esta
us = nos, nosotros
we = nosotros
what = qué
when = cuando
which = cuál
who = quién
whose = de quién
you =
yours = tuyo/a