
"Adjectives" describe a noun or pronoun.

Adjectives show the difference in nouns. They describe a nouns color, number, place and more. In Spanish, adjectives must follow their noun or pronoun in gender and number. This means that if the noun an adjective describes is masculine, the adjective must be masculine, and if that same noun is also plural, the adjective must be masculine AND plural.

In english many adjectives come before the noun they describe. In Spanish they come after the noun.

In English we say: The blue car
In Spanish we say: El coche azul

In English the adjective blue comes before the noun car.
In Spanish the adjective azul (blue) comes after the noun coche (car).

Adjectives are the largest group of words we will learn. There are close to 150 adjectives in the 500 words we will study in these lessons. You don't have to learn them all now. Try to study as many as you can everyday.

Use the "Play" button to listen to the sound of the word in Spanish, then practice saying the word out loud.

after = después de
ago = hace
all = todos
angry = enojado
another = otro, otra
any = cualquier
away = lejos, fuera
back = atrás, espalda, de vuelta
bad = mal, malo, mala
beautiful = hermosa
big = grande, gran
black = negro, negra
blue = azul
both = ambos
busy = ocupado
clean = limpiar
cold = frío
cool = fresco
dark = oscuro
dear = querida
different = diferente
down = hacia abajo
each = cada
early = temprano
easy = fácil
eight = ocho
eighteen = dieciocho
eighteenth = decimoctavo
eighty = ochenta
either = ya sea
eleven = once
eleventh = undécimo
english = inglés
enough = suficiente
every = cada, todo
famous = famoso
far = lejos
farther = más lejos
fast = rápido, rápida
few = pocos
fifteen = quince
fifth = quinto
fifty = cincuenta
fine = bien
first = primero
five = cinco
forty = cuarenta
four = cuatro
fourteen = catorce
fourth = cuarto
front = frente
glad = alegrarse
good = bueno
great = gran, genial, estupendo
green = verde
happy = feliz
hard = difícil
her = ella, la, su
high = alto
his = su, suyo
holiday = fiesta, feriado, festivo
home = casa, hogar, casero
hot = caliente, calor
hundred = cien
important = importante
interesting = interesante
kind = amable
large = grande
last = último
late = tarde
left = izquierda
less = menos
light = luz
little = poco
long = largo
loud = alto/a, fuerte
many = muchos/as
more = más
most = más, la mayoría de
much = mucho
my = mi
near = cerca
new = nuevo
next = siguiente
nice = agradable
nine = nueve
nineteen = diecinueve
ninety = noventa
ninth = noveno
old = viejo, vieja
on = en, sobre
one = uno
only = solo
open = abrir
other = otro/a
our = nuestro/a
out = fuera
over = sobre
poor = pobre
popular = popular
pretty = bonita
quick = rápido
quiet = tranquilo
ready = listo
real = real
red = rojo
rich = rico
right = derecha
sad = triste
same = mismo
second = segundo
seven = siete
seventeen = diecisiete
seventh = séptimo
seventy = setenta
short = corto/a
sick = enfermo
six = seis
sixteen = dieciséis
sixth = sexto
sixty = sesenta
slow = lento
slowly = despacio
small = pequeño
some = algunos/as
sorry = sentirse
still = todavía
strong = fuerte
such = tal
sure = seguro
ten = diez
tenth = décimo
that = eso
their = sus, su
then = entonces
thirteen = trece
thirteenth = decimotercero
thirty = treinta
thousand = mil
three = tres
through = a través de
top = cima, top
twelfth = duodécimo
twelve = doce
twenty = veinte
twentieth = vigésimo
two = dos
under = bajo
up = arriba, hasta
useful = útil
very = muy
warm = calor, cálido
welcome = bienvenido
well = bien, bueno
what = qué
which = cuál
white = blanco/a
whose = de quién
wonderful = maravilloso/a
wrong = incorrecto
yellow = amarillo/a
young = joven
your = tu